Why Frequent Dental Care is Important

Most of you have probably heard the Canadian Dental Association recommendation that you visit the dentist twice a year. While this is a good guideline, there could be reasons for you to visit the dentist even more often. We have patients in our Hinton office who come more frequently than that.

Each of you has individual oral care needs, and we will suggest a realistic schedule for your dental appointments to ensure optimum oral health. Besides tooth whitening with our cosmetic dentist, there are many good reasons for you to visit us often.

We Check for Gum Disease

One of the best reasons to visit us often is that we check your teeth and gums for signs of gum disease. Gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease, is still reversible with professional cleaning and proper flossing. You don’t want that gingivitis to advance to gum disease, though. Gum disease puts you at higher risks for a host of other health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, preterm birth and cancer.

Certain situations can increase your risk of gum disease, such as tobacco use, diabetes, pregnancy, crowded teeth, poor oral habits and even genetics. If any of these apply to you, we may want to see you more frequently than every six months. You may notice certain changes in your gums, such as bleeding, swelling, tenderness and pulling away from the teeth. These symptoms could signal gum disease, so call your dentist for an exam as soon as possible.

We Thoroughly Clean Your Teeth

Plaque naturally builds up on our teeth throughout the day. The thin sticky film can harm your teeth if you don’t properly remove it. Oral bacteria are found in plaque, and these bacteria react with sugars in your mouth and produce acids. These acids eat away at the hard enamel on the outer layer of your teeth. The hole the acids make is called a cavity. Our professional hygienists have the right tools and training to remove plaque buildup and also remove hardened plaque – or tartar – from your teeth. Tartar that accumulates near the gum line can even cause gingivitis. Frequent cleanings will even improve the appearance of your teeth. We also offer teeth whitening in Orleans if you desire an even more illustrious smile. You can thwart plaque and tartar buildup with frequent trips to the dentist combined with a careful at-home oral care regimen. You should floss at least once a day and brush at least twice a day to ensure healthy teeth and gums between dental cleanings.

We Monitor Tooth Movement

One less obvious reason to visit us often is so we can monitor the movement of your teeth. You may have a full set of permanent teeth, but you could still experience shifting and crowding as an adult. We offer Invisalign, invisible braces for Hinton residents who want straighter, more attractive smiles. Your misaligned teeth could even be causing stress on your bite. Our neuromuscular dentists can examine how your teeth, jaw, muscles and bone are functioning together.

We Screen for Oral Cancer

At each dental visit we take time to inspect your mouth, cheeks, tongue, lips and gums for any signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer is much easier to treat the earlier it’s found. In later stages oral cancer can spread to other parts of your body, which makes it much more difficult to eradicate. We will monitor your mouth for any red or white lesions, persistent lumps, bleeding or trouble swallowing. These could be symptoms of oral cancer. Approximately 3,200 new oral cancer cases affect Canadians every year, and each year approximately 1,050 Canadians die from oral cancer according to the CDA. Take every precaution that oral cancer doesn’t affect you or your loved ones.

Research is helping us understand how tightly oral health is linked to our total body health. Visit your dentist regularly, brush and floss routinely and eat a balanced diet for the healthiest teeth and gums possible. The rest of your body will benefit, too. Our Foothills Dental team is happy to help you reach your oral health goals and realize your dream smile.

To schedule an appointment, call Foothills Dental Centre. Trusted and proudly serving Hinton, Edson, Jasper, Grande Cache, Spruce Grove, Whitecourt and the Drayton Valley.